Tuesday, October 18, 2016

[Release] rokitbot 2.0.1 beta | Such as walking -

[Release] rokitbot Beta 2.0.1 | Such as walking -today I will share GUI go bot rokitbot Pokemon version 2.0.1. Yubus for!, rokitbot using the graphical user interface version makes the configuration can be set through easy and you don"t need to bother anymore to edit text or source file config.json. These bots are playing very comfortable to walk because it can move, recycle, use of environmental goods and services, automatically or by clicking on the town. Additionally there are features of "urban force" (aunbanid). 

"use lokiig"
aunidid auto-recycle materials
evolve Pokémon
move Pokémon
of all Pokemon farm District
view Powerup Pokémon
each Pokémon CP/IV%
power lifting

1. Download 2.0.1
2 rokitbot. Unzip the archive file
3. Run rokitbot .exe 2.0.1
4. Configure settings you need
5. Make sure you use safe settings


Downloads ==>
