Sunday, October 23, 2016

Nimisisbot v2.0.1 | DoD Necro, KillSwitch, bot schedule and manage an easy GUI -

nimisisbot v2.0.1 | DoD Necro, KillSwitch, bot schedule and manage an easy GUI -for those who are confused in choosing a bot that will be used, I recommend using a bot nemesis, because it contains features that can reduce the danger is prohibited as a kill switch, scheduling the bot.

and incorporates all the features of nikrobot and some exclusive features below

"switch" will set the maximum bot how Pokemon and how bokistobs will spin. 
when you reach maximum auto bot out. 
you can see live statistics in graphical user interface Manager bot enemy.

schedule runs bot
you can make a bot for X hours then the bot will auto start and auto shutdown after X hours, this will continue in a loop until you stop it from an enemy BOT management GUI.
run-> take a break-> run again (loop)

homanliki walk
people don"t walk the same speed so why should walk walk at the same speed? This feature makes dynamic speed walking bot making bot looks more human like.

you can control some of the features of nimisisbot management GUI, and the configuration files in the folder nimsisbot, who works as a remote control application
to use the bots have to nimisisbot Manager starts, click Start nimisisbot.

a simple way to run the bot tutorial:

1. Nimisisbot Manager
2. Click the button "create a new configuration file"
3. PTC sliket or GOOGLE according your Pokemon go account
4. Enter the user name and password
5. Set the BOT and killswitch according to your preference.
6-start nimisisbot by clicking the "start nimisisbot"

If you want to edit the other settings such as GPS location and millions more of the settings and then edit the file config.json in the Config folder.

if the error:
to open the folder "install it first and then install VC redist

adding languages 31 2.0.0

-change management for nimisisbot
-device information can be generated from GUI (nimisisbot)
-GPS location can develop the user interface Graphical thorugh (nimisisbot)
-you can change rule walking speed of GUI (walking speed changes randomly walking base speed every few minutes)
-you get the GPS coordinates of the address directly from the graphical user interface does not need to go to Google map. (Just enter the address and click Get gps coordinates)
-visualizer works fully with bot
-bot uses Google trends API
-bot saves the last position GPS

changelog 2.0.1

-"some language" fixed
-added warning when the format shape positioning is incorrect
-"walking the scroll speed fixed"
-auto save logon settings GPS now when you start Nimisisbot
-"add" field to Google the IP doesn"t even appear unless chikmarkid
-fix/session hash (hash generated session only once per session).

