Thursday, October 20, 2016

What is Ransomware virus? | Faqs -

what is Ransomware virus? -Ransomware virus Cerber, this virus has caused a stir in some countries and is also extremely dangerous. In fact what is Ransomware virus?, Ransomware virus is a type of malware that prevents or limits the user to access his or her computer. These malware forcing ransom target via the Internet. 

If you have paid the ransom, you can use your computer again. Ransomware encrypts certain file types (usually called kribetolokir) so that the data cannot be opened even in any way except by paying ransom ransom

also price varies, from $ 500 to over $ 1000 , or also by bitcoin. However, if the goal is actually paid the ransom doesn"t guarantee that virus makers will delete the virus.

PC users can be attacked by the virus in different ways. Can download Ransomware without knowing the users visiting malicious websites or physically. As the virus can be transmitted from other viruses that infected your computer. There are also sent via email attachments.

once implemented on the target computer, Ransomware

(1) lock your computer screen,
(2) termination of certain applications (such as antivirus software or browser),
(3) prevent you from accessing the operating system, and
(4) to encrypt the files that have been protected with a password.

there are many scenarios for each Ransomware,
the first scenario , full screen image will appear Ransomware or notice to the victim. In a written notice too how to pay the ransom. There is also the Ransomware that locks the files such as documents, spreadsheets, and other important files.

Ransomware classified as "scareware" because it forces the user to pay the ransom by scaring them. It"s similar to the malware vakiv that is used in a different way, if Ransomware encrypts and protect files, vakiv to persuade users to buy their antivirus software to show fake virus scan results.

kribetolokare the Ransomware

in 2013 born a new type of ransomware. Encrypted files are to Ransomware not a target locking system. This new type of Ransomware dubbed "kribetolokir" because it is new. Ransomware kribetolokir similar to the previous types, they force users to pay, but this time they encrypt files on the victim"s computer.

although in kribetolokare written notice to wear "RSA 2048" to encode the file in kribetolokare, but according to the "partial" trend analysis and say that kribetolokare use AES encryption + RSA.

RSA asymmetric key, meaning that uses RSA keys. The first key is used to encrypt data and other key is used to decrypt the data. One of the keys available to strangers is called public key, while others are kept by the user and is called the private key. It uses a symmetric key, which means that the key used to encrypt the same key used to decrypt AES.

uses AES encryption key file of ransomware. Prewritten AES decryption key in files encrypted by ransomware. But AES key is encrypted again using the RSA public key, a way to decrypt the file and we need to know the private key. Unfortunately, the private key can not be known easily, if not impossible to solve.

about the end of 2013, kribetolokir new type began to spread. This type is called in WORM_CRILOCK. A, could spread via removable drives such as Flash, and can also be called this kind of krilok. This means that malware can spread easily from other Ransomware Variant.


1. No access to a computer and my files. Can push and access my computer?

a lot of people who don"t recommend paying. There is no guarantee that the pay-off will give you access to your files again. Ransom can also make you more targeted malware.

2-How to protect your computer against Ransomware?

-so many things you can do to protect your computer against Ransomware, like
-install and use antivirus always updated.
-make sure that all of your software already.
-avoid clicking on suspicious links or opening email attachments from someone you don"t know at all.
-replace blocker in your browser.
-backup your important files on a regular basis.
-for backup, you can rely on cloud storage to store it. By storing in the cloud, your data will be safer than creating a backup file on the same computer. Cloud services that you can use, among other things such as Andreev or file hosting sites on the Internet.

3-How do I know if my ip address is Ransomware?

IP addresses is usually hidden, many tools online that can be used to obtain the IP address. Maybe the Ransomware to use these tools.

4-How do you get the Ransomware on my computer?

in most cases Ransomware automatically downloaded when you visit a malicious Web site or Web site that has been hacked. Ransomware also can enter via email attachments, file names are usually the culprits named specious والملحقات.exe, for example AGENDA_01062015.exe or AGENDA_01062015.pdf.exe.

5-can I remove Ransomware antivirus software?

Yes, in most cases, a good security software should be able to remove the virus Ransomware from your computer, depending on the type of Ransomware that infects your computer.

if vilikoder already affects simple one Ransomware files encoded by the virus, it can only antivirus programs can still decrypt the files. But if this attack more sophisticated Ransomware kribetolokir example, nearly impossible to decrypt the file.

6. What happens if you don"t pay the ransom, Ransomware?

usually time limited ransom Ransomware, if the time comes and you don"t pay the victim, then the threat is accessing files and documents will be lost permanently.

7-How do I know that the Ransomware may infect my computer?

you will see Windows popup message that ask for payment, no payment can range from hundreds of dollars to thousands of dollars. Payment must be made in the currency, for example by bitcoin.

8-only Windows Ransomware attacks?

no, Ransomware as made to Mac OS, Linux OS and even robot. But in most cases the Ransomware attack Windows.

9-is it really true that the authorities in the region had discovered illegal activity on my computer?

, this fake warning has nothing to do with the authorities. Messages using pictures and logos of the legal system to make it look more realistic.


so always be careful with this one from malicious software. If infected, then data cannot be opened even though the antivirus software cannot handle. Similarly, articles about Ransomware, might be helpful.


Cerber Ransomeware ScreenShoot

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