Download ProCapture V 1.7.4 full APK -
ProCapture™ supports android camera apps by adding advanced features for Android camera quality. Some of the sophisticated camera shooting modes are supported: timer, burst, reduce noise, wide angle shots and
● simple user interface with easy access to all functions of the camera.
● panorama mode.
● wide shot mode.
● reduce noise mode.
● use composition camera: grid and Fibonacci spiral.
● in real-time on screen histogram. The volume button Configure
● to capture photos.
new update 29 August 2014
V 1.7.4
away the Blackboard/Whiteboard color effects, because they were causing crashes on multiple devices.
Gallery action bar auto-hide tweaks.
Parties reversed hot & cold vintage labels.
redesigned app icon 1.7.3.
new menu for Android 4.0 +.
move the focus to the last mode setting under the new menu.
new camera roll/Gallery interface with better performance.
improved memory management.
minor UI changes about the app
screenshots Developer: NEast Studios America LLC
license/price: 47.600
size: 9mb size/OS: Android 2.2 and higher
last updated 29 August 2006
see : Google play