Download BlackPlayer EX V 19 full APK - is an android music player application is minimalist, still has a function is completed, can play music of file types Mp3, FLAC, WAV etc. BlackPlayer EX supports a built-in equalizer, BassBoost, VIRTUALIZER, left/right balance sound, 3D transitions, effects can display the text you can also edit. Standard features include the following:
-plays standard music files, stored locally, such as mp3, FLAC and WAV.
- build - EQ-BassBoost, VIRTUALIZER, left/right balance of the sound.
gapless playback-tag editor
- 3D transition effects
-3 widget
- viewing and editing of texts.
-LockScreen support to control
- sleep timer interchangeable fonts and themes.
-wöchentlich the most played tracks
exclusive features:
-6 additional letters, including the option to use the system font.
-10 accent color.
-3 extra topic
Zala widget theme.
-extra track now playing information. Sample rate, bit rate and format.
- Crossfading customizable
- fully customize your library page. Add, delete, and sort.
-custom size grid for artist & album.
bit rate show, now playing page sampling rate and format.
-manuell search and organize artist images.
- blacklist folder and the path
- white widget theme.
-zap to find your music fast with this clever function. Auto-play music tracks in random order for 5 seconds.
- the floating window control of widgets
- visualizer, adapted (Beta)
-widget customization and notification.
to see the artist as a big box.
show genre as a list, as well as a large list.
title can be tracked monthly instead of weekly.
effect "Blur" for the LockScreen or widget.
-2 extra text animation
-1 extra transition effects
position of the show queues in the widget.
page "Playlists" to add to the library.
to hide-a moving pages.
new update 27 September 2015
theme! (Currently lacking a theme preview)
notification should now properly be removed, removing a painting in multi-task view. Music will also be held.
-attempting notification at the jump on not feeling well is to reduce.
-kleineren graphical error with Adaptive user interface fixed.
standard accent color changed, blue-green.
appears not artists of tracks - ringtones now - the option has been added to delete the queue
-a small error with fixed on the black list.
license/price: 12,000
size: size/OS 7 MB
: Android 2.3.3 and
last update: 27 September 2015
see : Google play
last update: 27 September 2015
see : Google play
click for free download