Saturday, October 1, 2016

Download J4T multitrack recorder full APK 4.42 V -

new update 12th March 2015
J4T recorder version 4.42
record and edit your song ideas and demos --

J4T multitrack recorder is android applications , with you to the record and edit voice/songs easily and simply on your android Perangkt create this application as a mini recording studio offers several features , are not in the standard audio recorder of your phone such as delay and chorus features and buttons to share Soundcloud and other platforms present in other words, that this app for creative singer- songwriter ham is ideal.
* four tracks to record or import on
available * audio effects: Chorus, fuzz, delay, equalizer, reverb
* exchange with SoundCloud, Google, Gmail, DropBox, etc.
* import/export your own music (MP3/WAV)
* loop function (with snap function to beat)
* record with metronome and count of
* stereo panning
* Bounce tracks track disk space
* track edit

J4T Multitrack Recorder - screenshotJ4T Multitrack Recorder - screenshotJ4T Multitrack Recorder - screenshot
J4T Multitrack Recorder - screenshotJ4T Multitrack Recorder - screenshotJ4T Multitrack Recorder - screenshot

Developer               : Jaytronix
license/price: 50,000
-size: 2 MB
size/OS: Android 2.3.3 and
last updated: March 31, 2015

see: Google play

click for free download
